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10 Ways to use ML with GCP

데이터 과학

by Taeyoon.Kim.DS 2024. 4. 5. 21:26



TLDR: basically an advertisement for VertextAI

2. AutoML Vertax AI

Custom enterprise levle - text, image, tabular data.


3. ML powered capabilities without needing to build or deploy any models. e.g. Image labelling, sentiment analysis, text classification.

- Pre-trained ML APIs. - Single API call. Vision API, object eprson detect from video, landmark detection etc. 


4. Generate images and text
- Generative AI Studio. Vision AI Generation. Tune foundation model.


5. Search, discover 

Vertex AI Model Garden - single env to interact with a variety of model types. Moels will span across modalities. Deploy to endpoints with ease.

Code generation & Completion, Image Generation, Universal Speech, Embeddings.


6. Reinforcement Learning from Human FEedback - RLHF

7. BigQuery - to train my own ML model.

BigQuery ML.

Using SQL - classification model, prediction, ml.dot predict query.

I can access to image data by creating an object table - GCS. 


8. Playground for ML, Python

Colab - 


9. Integration with Cloud.

Vertex AI workbench - pre-installed with GPU. 


10. Custom model at scale.

Vertex AI custom training. 


1. Embeddings - search data

Vertex AI maching Engine.

vector database for embeddings. 2 million random images - search images from this yellow car- maching engine finding the nearest embeddings. return the results in milleseconds.


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