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본문 제목

AWS Innovate Data

Generative AI with Large Language Models

by Taeyoon.Kim.DS 2023. 3. 9. 18:15


Opening Keynote

Data doesn't naturally flow

Data isn't easy to visualise

Amazon DynamoDB, Auroa, SageMaker


Nielsen using data lakes to process consumer insights at scale

Monitoring ML model performance with 10x reduction training time




AWS Innovate - Data & AI/ML Edition

Whether you are new to AWS or an experienced user, you can learn something new at AWS EMEA Innovate, tune in on March 9th 2023.


1. Comprehensive set service

Every customer should have access to 

SQL analytics with RedShift. Big data with EMR. 

Apache Spark/Apache Airflow/ AWS GLUE/ AWS Redshift/ Amazon EMR



2. Solutions that integrate all your data sources

3. Right governance strategy.





1.Accelerate your ML journey with Amazon SageMaker no-code and low-code tools




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